International Seminar of "Christian Artists/America-Europe". San Salvador, El Salvador,Central America
This coming year, XAIRE will take place at
the INTERNATIONAL FAIR of San Salvador.
The purpose of this MULTIFESTIVAL is to raise the human values in the people
of a society that demoralizes and clones its youth. Christian artists from Europe and America will take place in this
event with the hopes of bringing increased love to the family and reviving the Christian values that are being lost in many
For the professional artists, XAIRE MULTIFESTIVAL will be a spiritual "spring of inspiration".
Multifestical & Seminar will provide : An opportunity to grow spiritually as well as artistically through the shared
experiences of fellow artists. A time to clarify talents and to discover charismas and gifts. An apt place to develop
new talents, A place to discover new Christian artists... Venues for the artists to evangelize and share their missions,
A point of encounter... for musicians, poets, painters, sculptors, actors, mimes, singers, songwriters, writers, and more...
Having given a year of charitable ministry to the 'town of God', often having little contact with other Christian artists
who share the same mission.
Possible...Special GUESTS this year:
MUSIC: ROBERTO BIGNOLI,Aurelio Pitino and D. Matteo
Zambuto ( Italy);SAL SOLO ( Inglaterra-EU )Luis Enrique Ascoy ( Peru );Group Manantial, Silvia Mertinz, Magdalena Arimani(Guatemala);
DANIEL POLI ( Argentina ); SARA TORRES ( Nicaragua-EU ); ISADORA(Colombia );Denis Grady ( Canada ) INES DE VIAUD ( El Salv.
) as hostess artist and organizer.
DANZE: SIMONA MAGGI (Italy) Mimes : Siro Lopez ( Spain ) CONFERENCES BY:
Father Diego Jaramillo ( Minuto de Dios-Colombia ) Father Jess Delgado ( priest composser from El Salv. ) Leen
La Riviere fron Holand Other priest and pastors from youth groups.
And many artists still to confirm !!
El Salvador we will have a sample of the best in Christian groups and solists from the Christian music.... some like : Gerardo
Parker y Group Jesus es el Senor, Julia Regina Sol de Cardenal, Huellas de Jesus, Quique Guzman, Group Christos,Group Dei
Verbum and many others....
Conferences about: Music , Art y Spirituality .
Xaire MULTiFESTIVAL, Seminario-talleres... workshops... música-teatro-danza...
music-theater-dance... y CONCIERTOS!!